Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Russian Orthodox Moms tea room: Ordinary Mondays

Russian Orthodox Moms tea room: Ordinary Mondays: Yet another Monday came and gone. Looking back and reflecting (as an over-achiever it is natural thing I do - overanalyze everything) I d...

Ordinary Mondays

Yet another Monday came and gone. Looking back and reflecting (as an over-achiever it is a natural thing - overanalyze everything) I do not fail (again) to beat myself over not making to day into a great day, but rather having another ordinary Monday...
Another ordinary morning to rise before my husband and daughter to make their breakfasts and send them off for a day. 
Another ordinary morning of giggles with my son over breakfast that I still feed to him while he watches "Masha and Mishka" cartoons.
Another ordinary morning of Grigory discovering that all three lawn mowers are still in the yard waiting for him to add gas into( that's why they are not moving!). 

Seems like this mower needs gasoline....

Looking for other mowers needing gasoline....

Another ordinary Monday filled with ordinary things that make me feel extraordinary and exceptionally grateful.

Wrapping up this day preparing Lenten pastry to start Another Ordinary Tuesday...

Monday, April 18, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Daily "must do's" at our house

A daily "must do" - he walks in everyone's shoes....literally.
Our  lives definitely took a turn into different direction with the birth of Grigory. 
Despite the fact that I evolved, as Germans would say, into a women of three "K's" ( and Americans say "bearfooted and 
pregnant", but into "pregnant" part I no longer fit), I cannot admit that does not bring me happiness.
Happiness from living moment like this:

Daily morning book review

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring welcoming

I am a little late with this post, however ( and it at time is my favorite saying) - better late than never...
March 20 ( the date varies depending on the year and the region) is a day of spring equinox. The day when spring takes over. This particular Russian traditions to welcome spring on that day goes back to pre-Christian times when we were pageants. Because back then people didn't have calendars they referred to nature and were able to recognize seasons by observing it.  Larks were the first birds returning back home with coming of spring. Small and not brightly colored, the larks are known for their triumphant songs.

The coming of spring in Russian Orthodox Church is marked by the Feast Of 40 Martyrs Of Sebaste or "Sorokovitzy" ( from Russian "sorok" - fourty). 
Sorokovitzy in Russian families started with attending a feast church service - Liturgy. Since this day fall on a period of Great Lent no major festivities are allowed. 
However, there is still a way to celebrate!  Traditionally, in Russian families small buns in shape of a bird ( lark) were baked and given to children to play with and later to enjoy eating later. Since everybody in the family ( except for infants) adhered to strict fasting rules, the larks were baked using flower, yeast, sugar and salt only. A simple recipe that is also used to bake prosfora bread ( the bread used for Holy Communion). 

The golden color of buns is achieved by adding carrot juice into the dough and by brushing  ready buns with some strong sweetened black tea.

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Children in Russian village playing with larks.