Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ordinary Mondays

Yet another Monday came and gone. Looking back and reflecting (as an over-achiever it is a natural thing - overanalyze everything) I do not fail (again) to beat myself over not making to day into a great day, but rather having another ordinary Monday...
Another ordinary morning to rise before my husband and daughter to make their breakfasts and send them off for a day. 
Another ordinary morning of giggles with my son over breakfast that I still feed to him while he watches "Masha and Mishka" cartoons.
Another ordinary morning of Grigory discovering that all three lawn mowers are still in the yard waiting for him to add gas into( that's why they are not moving!). 

Seems like this mower needs gasoline....

Looking for other mowers needing gasoline....

Another ordinary Monday filled with ordinary things that make me feel extraordinary and exceptionally grateful.

Wrapping up this day preparing Lenten pastry to start Another Ordinary Tuesday...

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