July 21 - is one of the most important feast days in Russian Orthodox Church as well as in Russia in whole. It is a commemoration of a mracle-making icon of Holy Mother of God of Kazan.
Historically, many icons of Holy Mother of God were discovered to be making miracles such as protecting and healing. Here is some history....
The year of 1579. White mercilessly scorching sun, cloud of dust on the roads of city of Kazan. Dust and ash from a recent fire - a week ago here reigned a terrible blaze. It started near the church of St. Nicholas, then spread to the Kazan Kremlin. Long hours of blazing glow, wailing women, crying babies - and many laughing mischievously - "where is your God now?" Many in those days doubted Christ teaching and faith.
In that fire many families were left homeless with little prospects to rebuild their homes in time for winter. In a hurry with the construction, among other victims of the fire was an archer Daniel Onuchin. Daniel had a daughter named Matrona. As to many young children her age the fire was not much of a grief, but the time for discoveries - here and there children found a beautiful piece of glass or an unusual stone . And only at night time they realized that the blaze took their homes and changed their lives.
One of those nights Matrona was awaken by a strange dream - Holy Mother Of God presented in the front of her. Not only she was there, she ordered a little girl to uncover an icon from under the ground. "Dreams are from God, but visions only come to holy people" - said her parents, and they were right. But Holy Mother of God appeared to the little girl the next night and the night after that. Then the parents decided to believe their little girl.
Matrona and her mother went to to look for place from Matrona's dream as she remembered it. They began to dig the ground deeper and deeper - and, was that She? Indeed - they uncovered the icon of Holy Mother of God, they carefully cleaned dirt and dust from it... But how did She get there? Perhaps, a while ago the secret followers of Christianity did this to hide Heavenly Queen from infidels.
The news of a new icon of Holy Mother of God flew faster then the fastest bird. And now, the Priest of surrounding temples - Archbishop Jeremia - reverently takes the icon and solemnly carries to the St. Nicholas cathedral. From there, after the prayer service, with the holy procession the icon was taken to the Cathedral of Annunciation - the very first Orthodox cathedral in Russia erected by Ivan the Terrible. From the very beginning of the procession it became clear that the icon is a miracle-
making. Two blind men that joined procession - now we know their names: Joseph and Nikita - gained their sights.
These miracles were the first in a long list of miracles and healings. They so impressed Ivan the Terrible, he commanded to erect Kazan Cathedral and founded a convent. There's some time later took monastic vows Matrona and her mother.
The icon of the Holy Virgin of Kazan type refers to the icons of Hodigitria-"the one showing the way" - and indeed She was.
After a while She found Her home in Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow, one of the most famous churches in Moscow that was build in and now the image is stored in the Epiphany Cathedral.
On many occasions Russians appealed to Holy Mother if God of Kazan for protection and guidance -
and many miracles were granted. Before the Battle of Poltava, in 1812, Peter the Great and his army
prayed before the icon of Our Lady of Kazan for help to defeat French invaders. The image of Our
Lady of Kazan overshadowed Russians troops. On October 22, 1812 Russian troops led by Miloradovich and Platov pitched rearguard Davoust. It was the first major defeat of the French after the departure from Moscow; the enemy lost 7000 people. On that day it snowed greatly and the strong winds brought frigid temperatures. It was as if the nature was fighting on Russians side. This was the beginning of the end of conqueror of Europe - French army.
One of the miracles of Our Lady of Kazan icon refers to the year of 1943. The German Nazis surrounded Moscow for the last battle preparing to defeat Communist Russia. Russian troops are outnumbered and exhausted. Joseph Stalin - the Commander-in-Chief and a General Secretary of USSR (Soviet state that denied religion and lived the way of atheism) - ordered for the icon of Our
Lady of Kazan to be place onto the airplane and to be flown over City of Moscow. Once again
Russians ( though "Soviet") were pleading to their Mother for protection. Despite all the reasonable
expectations and prognosis the 1943 battle for Moscow became the turning point of WWII - and beginning of defeat of Nazi Germany invaders. Fascists lost this fight.
Prayer before the icon of Our Lady of Kazan
Oh Holy Lady Theotokos Theotokos! With fear, faith and love pripadayusche before the icon of thy honest, we pray thee: turn not away thy face from resorting to you, begging Mother of Mercy, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, but retain our peaceful country, establish His holy Church yes u will keep inviolable from unbelief, heresy and schism. Not imams bo inyya assistance not imams inyya hope, except Thee, O Virgin Immaculate: Thou art the Omnipotent Christians Hostess
and Mediatrix. Deliver all of you praying with faith from falling sinful, wicked people from libel,
from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from futile death; grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction grehovnyya life and leaving sins, that they all sing praise votes greatness Thy heavenly kingdom, and be worthy customs with all the saints glorify most honorable
and majestic name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Translated from the source:
Images from: http://www.pravmir.ru/kazanskaya-ikona-istoriya-chudesa-molitvy/#ixzz386Aty9PM
Источник: http://www.pravmir.ru/kazanskaya-
Historically, many icons of Holy Mother of God were discovered to be making miracles such as protecting and healing. Here is some history....
The year of 1579. White mercilessly scorching sun, cloud of dust on the roads of city of Kazan. Dust and ash from a recent fire - a week ago here reigned a terrible blaze. It started near the church of St. Nicholas, then spread to the Kazan Kremlin. Long hours of blazing glow, wailing women, crying babies - and many laughing mischievously - "where is your God now?" Many in those days doubted Christ teaching and faith.
In that fire many families were left homeless with little prospects to rebuild their homes in time for winter. In a hurry with the construction, among other victims of the fire was an archer Daniel Onuchin. Daniel had a daughter named Matrona. As to many young children her age the fire was not much of a grief, but the time for discoveries - here and there children found a beautiful piece of glass or an unusual stone . And only at night time they realized that the blaze took their homes and changed their lives.
One of those nights Matrona was awaken by a strange dream - Holy Mother Of God presented in the front of her. Not only she was there, she ordered a little girl to uncover an icon from under the ground. "Dreams are from God, but visions only come to holy people" - said her parents, and they were right. But Holy Mother of God appeared to the little girl the next night and the night after that. Then the parents decided to believe their little girl.
Matrona and her mother went to to look for place from Matrona's dream as she remembered it. They began to dig the ground deeper and deeper - and, was that She? Indeed - they uncovered the icon of Holy Mother of God, they carefully cleaned dirt and dust from it... But how did She get there? Perhaps, a while ago the secret followers of Christianity did this to hide Heavenly Queen from infidels.
The news of a new icon of Holy Mother of God flew faster then the fastest bird. And now, the Priest of surrounding temples - Archbishop Jeremia - reverently takes the icon and solemnly carries to the St. Nicholas cathedral. From there, after the prayer service, with the holy procession the icon was taken to the Cathedral of Annunciation - the very first Orthodox cathedral in Russia erected by Ivan the Terrible. From the very beginning of the procession it became clear that the icon is a miracle-
making. Two blind men that joined procession - now we know their names: Joseph and Nikita - gained their sights.
The Icon of Holy Mother of God of Kazan
These miracles were the first in a long list of miracles and healings. They so impressed Ivan the Terrible, he commanded to erect Kazan Cathedral and founded a convent. There's some time later took monastic vows Matrona and her mother.
The icon of the Holy Virgin of Kazan type refers to the icons of Hodigitria-"the one showing the way" - and indeed She was.
After a while She found Her home in Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow, one of the most famous churches in Moscow that was build in and now the image is stored in the Epiphany Cathedral.
Kazan Cathedral. Moscow
On many occasions Russians appealed to Holy Mother if God of Kazan for protection and guidance -
and many miracles were granted. Before the Battle of Poltava, in 1812, Peter the Great and his army
prayed before the icon of Our Lady of Kazan for help to defeat French invaders. The image of Our
Lady of Kazan overshadowed Russians troops. On October 22, 1812 Russian troops led by Miloradovich and Platov pitched rearguard Davoust. It was the first major defeat of the French after the departure from Moscow; the enemy lost 7000 people. On that day it snowed greatly and the strong winds brought frigid temperatures. It was as if the nature was fighting on Russians side. This was the beginning of the end of conqueror of Europe - French army.
One of the miracles of Our Lady of Kazan icon refers to the year of 1943. The German Nazis surrounded Moscow for the last battle preparing to defeat Communist Russia. Russian troops are outnumbered and exhausted. Joseph Stalin - the Commander-in-Chief and a General Secretary of USSR (Soviet state that denied religion and lived the way of atheism) - ordered for the icon of Our
Lady of Kazan to be place onto the airplane and to be flown over City of Moscow. Once again
Russians ( though "Soviet") were pleading to their Mother for protection. Despite all the reasonable
expectations and prognosis the 1943 battle for Moscow became the turning point of WWII - and beginning of defeat of Nazi Germany invaders. Fascists lost this fight.
Prayer before the icon of Our Lady of Kazan
Oh Holy Lady Theotokos Theotokos! With fear, faith and love pripadayusche before the icon of thy honest, we pray thee: turn not away thy face from resorting to you, begging Mother of Mercy, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, but retain our peaceful country, establish His holy Church yes u will keep inviolable from unbelief, heresy and schism. Not imams bo inyya assistance not imams inyya hope, except Thee, O Virgin Immaculate: Thou art the Omnipotent Christians Hostess
and Mediatrix. Deliver all of you praying with faith from falling sinful, wicked people from libel,
from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from futile death; grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction grehovnyya life and leaving sins, that they all sing praise votes greatness Thy heavenly kingdom, and be worthy customs with all the saints glorify most honorable
and majestic name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Translated from the source:
Images from: http://www.pravmir.ru/kazanskaya-ikona-istoriya-chudesa-molitvy/#ixzz386Aty9PM
Источник: http://www.pravmir.ru/kazanskaya-
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